Gretzky's 9 month session

Monday, March 26, 2018
Gretzky is 9 months already! He has always the perfect little model for his session (minus the newborn). It helps that he hasn't been able to crawl around yet!
I am thinking by his next session, he will be too busy for us.
 Good thing that session will most likely include cake!

Reagan's 6 month session

I was so excited when this little girl's mama asked me to do her 6 month milestone session! It's so fun to do multiple sessions over baby's first year! I love watching them grow!

Morhardt Spring Mini

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
This was my last group of the day.
Single shots were a breeze, but a group photo was something we really had to work for!
So glad this group came to have a few pictures done together. They may not all be looking in the same direction, but these pictures show real life with little kids. Always on the move!
We were lucky that Gretzky can't move too much yet!

Mason's Spring Mini

I had fun catching up with this kid again. He is getting to be such a big boy!
Mason was another client that made me work for the few shots that we got of him looking.
 He enjoyed throwing the eggs into the baskets and then running to retrieve them.
He is quite the active little guy!
Isn't he looking so grown up!?

Larry's Spring Mini

This little guy could not be bothered by me or the bunnies! He had a mind of his own during this session and enjoyed handing out eggs to his family behind me and pushing the yellow chairs all over the set up. We did manage to get a few shots of him in action. Isn't he cute!?

August's Spring Mini & Family Session

 I was so excited when an old friend from grade school contacted me to do this session. I loved meeting little August and taking these photos for his cute family. Look at those big brown eyes and itty bitty toes!